Saturday, January 24, 2009

A Link A Day # 37: Truth, Lies & Advertising

Did you know that Adweek publishes books? Since I don't read, it was like news to me. Anyways, why I mention this fact is I just stumbled upon a book from Adweek,written by Jon Steel (Director Planning at Goodby, Silverstein & Partners). Penned in 1998, it's called: Truth, Lies & Advertising: The Art of Account Planning. From what I gather, it's rich in anecdotes and examines the issue of producing effective advertising from a right brain perspective. I loved the analogy of comparing a FGD subject to a chimp in the zoo. Now, a chimp in the zoo is very different from a chimp in the wild, right? How can one draw conclusions by shutting 10 people into a sterile room and expect them to give a just verdict about creatives? Go here for reading a chapter -by-chapter essence. Gleaned a memorable quote from the extracts: Guts is cheaper than research!

Posted by Anantha.


Anonymous said...

anantha, jon has since moved on to JWT from where he has written a book called PERFECT PITCH. A superb book on making presentations. The best part of it is the extensive description of how London won the bid for the Olympic in 2012. (The live video of the presenatation is available somewhere on the BBC website, incidentally.)

Subramaniam Avinash said...

And since I do read books, I'm proud to report that Perfect Pitch is an essential tool for anyone who has to sell creative.

anantha said...

thanks thomas. i discovered about perfect pitch. and i know exactly where the link is. will post it soon.

Subramaniam Avinash said...

And for those who find even pdfs too weighty, an interview with Jon Steel: