Sunday, March 29, 2009

Shocking: Why the Outlook Money Editor Quit

"The OLM Awards are being used to fulfil the advertising goals of the Group. In fact, we were all part of the meeting where we were told that the award should have gone to LIC despite it not making the cut since it is a large company with many readers as policyholders. In a subsequent mail from the President, I was told that the concern is that LIC has withdrawn all ads to the Outlook Group. I see it as a clear conflict of interest between ad and edit, especially since edit has sincerely worked on the awards in an attempt to make them the most unbiased awards in the country"

Source: The Hoot.

If you think this award arm twisting is appalling, go read how NDTV gave LK Advani, the Lifetime Achievement Award.

Posted by Anantha.

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