Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Advertising ad campaigns

I've always believed an ad campaign should create a buzz on its own. You shouldn't create another campaign to advertise your campaign. But that's what seems to be happening in India. Some agencies do a PR blast on even the tiniest of their campaigns. If you've been reading Campaign India, Afaqs and Exchange4media, you'll know the usual suspects I am referring to. It's okay to brag about your campaign if it's created a ripple (Case - Vodafone Zoozoos). It makes business sense to plug a campaign if you've blown crores of rupees on making the commercial (Case - Sony Bravia). But for godsake, don't work the press to tom-tom ads no one took note of. Use facebook to share your work with potential judges at award shows. Use the blogs to see how your creation is faring. Don't milk your contacts in Afaqs, Campaign India or Brand Equity to explain your campaign. Because the more you plant stories, the more you're doing to lessen the credibility of these instititutions.

Posted by Anantha.


Anonymous said...

Let agencies try and plug their campaigns with all their might. There are editors to decide what warrants coverage and what doesn't. So why blame agencies?

Anonymous said...

are you refering to the TOI Chennai spread?

anantha said...

you've spoken of the editor and the agency, what about the reader? if the agency uses all its might to peddle stuff, the editor will invariably acquiesce. and spam his newspaper/site with spin. the more you plug, the more the spamming. and lesser the credibility. that was the point i was making.