Friday, October 16, 2009

The Internet as an advertising medium

The effectiveness of the web as a potent advertising medium is something that has been widely discussed for some years now. Not just digital gurus, but traditional ad types too have vouched for it in forums and conclaves. But the truth seems to be far from what they profess.

A study published by Deloitte/YouGov on behalf of the Media Guardian Edinburgh International Television Festival tell us a different story.

Some pointers:

* 64% of respondents ranked television commercials as the advertising format with the most impact.

* Young people (18-24) ranked tv commercials even higher, with 3/4 saying tv was the ad format with the most impact.

* 12% of consumers chose search advertising as one of the top three types of advertising with the most impact and only 8% ranked banner advertising in their top three.

And this comes from a market that's far more savvier towards new media.

Thanks to AdContrarian for the dope.

Posted by Murali.

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