Monday, June 2, 2008

How a viral stole the thunder from a multi-million dollar campaign.

I’m sure marketers around the world have woken up to the phenomenon of ‘viral marketing’ by now. Though most of them would salivate on the possibilities of a great viral campaign, a large chunk of them aren’t yet convinced on the kind of result they would get out of it.

But that should change with something that’s happened abroad. Case in point: Levi’s 501.

BBH and Levi’s have partially launched a multi-million dollar ‘Live Unbuttoned’ campaign for their cult brand 501. In a few months, it’s about to hit 110 countries. Meanwhile, a viral video ‘Jumpin’ In’, made by a San Francisco creative shop Cutwater for Levi’s 501 was launched in May to commemorate the brand launch.

This viral has created such a sensation – 3.5 million hits in 10 days, that both Levi’s and BBH have been stumped completely. They are revisiting their strategy to ride this wave!

Now, the point is, do such virals make our business – which include hours of strategizing, power-pointing, and creating brand campaigns look redundant? Or, is this a rare phenomenon? Think about it.

By the way, more about Cutwater in my next post.

Posted by Murali.

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